high school senior

Kallie | High School Senior | Newark High School


We need to take a moment and catch up! It has been waayy too long since I have been on any social media on these accounts! My life is booming busy. Last year (2020) I was part of my family's startup business called 3G Concrete Coatings. My sisters and I run this business and my whole year was devoted to setting the company up. Also, as Director of Training at Century 21 Frank Frye Real Estate, I worked along side my Broker to develop a training program for 2021!

SO many amazing things are happening and opportunities that are presenting themselves. This year my commitment is to post more on Social Media..and this time I am keeping this commitment because I officially have an assistant to help me!!

So my life revolves around the company I run with my sisters, training at C21 Frank Frye, my own photography business, and now getting my personal real estate business back where it needs to be!

Stay tuned!!