I just fixed myself a cup of peppermint tea after a nice, hot shower and sat down at my counter to write this blog post. Lately my mind has been running a hundred different directions. Tomorrow is October 1st and honestly I can’t believe it. Fall is here (even though the weather is saying no) and the holidays are fast approaching. It is my favorite time of year..I’m just waiting for the weather to get chilly!
I had many goals and ideas of how this year would turn out. It’s funny how we can plan and God completely disrupts those plans. Sometimes unplanned things come at us and it turns everything upside down. That was how I felt this year.
Early in the year I experienced panic attacks and anxiety for the first time ever. It was awful. I felt completely out of control and unable to control them. Have you ever dealt with something like this? Let me know in the comments.. I would love to hear about your experience! I can still remember so vividly the days and nights anxiety would plague my body. insert shivers. I am so thankful for a Heavenly Father who sees, cares, and understands even when no one else does.
I worked with a team of doctors and had so many tests done and we think we found a solution which I am SO grateful for. I am still figuring everything out. I am learning a lot about myself this year. I can’t wait to look back at this time and see how God planned it all out. I seen a quote this past weekend that said “These are the good ole days”. It makes me think how important it is to enjoy the present because we will never get it back!
I want to share my experiences on my blog as a way of connecting with you. I am convinced now more than ever we go through trials and hard times to help and encourage others who go through the same things as we do.
That is all for now!
Please share in the comment section. I love hearing from you!
Janessa Dawn