
Will + Stacey {Engagement Session} Creekside, Gahanna

      Happy New Year! I can't believe it is 2016. I am so behind on blog posts, guys. Through fall and winter, I was busy will fall and Christmas pictures so I didn't have time to blog between running my business and doing college. Since it is winter and I have slowed down, I am hoping to catch up on sessions. I usually always post sneak peeks on the Facebook page but no one sees more than five or six shots at the most. Blogging is a way to show you more pictures and update you on my business, life, etc. SO, in 2016 I am hoping to catch up on blogging and continue blogging on a more regular schedule {fingers crossed}.
       I had a great fall and Christmas season this year with photo shoots. I feel like every year my business grows more and more and I get to meet some amazing clients that I hope to work more with in the future. I love presenting portraits to clients and seeing a  Mom or Grandma's eyes fill up with tears. It's not like I want to make them cry but it shows how much they appreciate and love their images and reminds me how great of a job I have. I have had so many new clients this year through families, couples, and High School Seniors. 
   Speaking of couples, here is a couple that I had the privilege of capturing their engagement and wedding photos in 2015. Stacey contacted me at the beginning of 2015 and we met and talked over all my wedding prices, etc. I was so happy she book and I enjoyed shooting their engagement pictures at Creekside Park in Gahanna. I will be putting up a wedding blog at some point. Thanks, Will and Stacey, for letting me be apart of such a special day. I wish you all the very best!

Stay fabulous,
Janessa Dawn

Westnedge {Mom and Daughters session}

These ladies are so cute! I was so excited to shoot a mom and her daughters! We met up at Bryn Du Mansion in Granville on a perfect, sunny day. It was so fun walking around with her and her girls! They are so adorable! Here are some pictures from the day!


Webster Family { Summer Session}

 It's been a long time since I have blogged a session! I am SO busy with my photography shoots, working, and going to college lately that I haven't had time for blogging! So now I am trying to catch up!

 Here is a peek at a family session I took over the summer. They were so adorable and Jamie had baby Sophia dressed so cute! I could have shot her all day! Doesn't she have the most gorgeous brown eyes?? Anyways, enjoy this post and I hope to have more up through out the week!

Stay Fabulous <3



SPECIAL: Fall Portrait Sessions-October 23-25, 2014!

Calling all families, kids, babies, friends, and couples. We are now booking for our Fall portrait sessions on October 23-25th! These sessions are $50 for a one hour sessions and you can choose from a variety of outdoors locations. Beautiful, colorful leaves make for a gorgeous backdrop! Call us to day at 740-974-2902 to schedule your session!

Stay Fabulous

Arnett Family {Spring Portraits}

It's been a while since I'v posted! I have been so busy getting ready for my graduation and a ton of other activities.

I shot this beautiful family on a gorgeous spring day! It started sprinkling and I was so scared we would have to cancel but the cloud rolled back and the sun poked through the cloud much to my happiness! Enjoy!

Stay Fabuous!

Phillip and Sharla Sollenberger {Wedding}

 I was thrilled when Sharla asked me to shoot her wedding! To me, someone's wedding day is THE biggest day in their life and I was so honored that Sharla chose me to capture it! I had so much fun that day. The wedding was in Mt.Sterling, OH at the First United Methodist Church on March 8th. It was a gorgeous day and PERFECT for pictures!

Thanks, Sharla and Phil, or letting me capture your big day! Enjoy these pictures for many years to come!

Stay fabulous

P.S. If any family would like prints please contact me at jdawnphotography@yahoo.com!

Brooke Kreager {Senior 2014}

I was so excited to shoot Brooke's senior pictures. We met at Dawes on a perfect snowy day and grabbed some shots then headed back to the studio. We had so much fun! Thanks Brooke!
Stay Fabulous!
 P.S. Please click on the first picture too make them bigger! I am having problems with the html.

©2013 J. Dawn Photography
Please do not copy or crop. You may use this photograph as your display picture, cover image or in a Facebook album but you may NOT crop/edit in any way. Please note, all images used on Facebook require proper credit, with a link or tag to this page in the description

Hogue Granddaughters {Valentine's Mini Session}

I can't believe it is March! Time flies, friends! In Febuary we shot Valentine's Mini sessions! I was SO super duper excited for these sessions and they turned out SO stinkin' cute! Here are these beautiful little girls!

Stay Fabulous

©2013 J. Dawn Photography
Please do not copy or crop. You may use this photograph as your display picture, cover image or in a Facebook album but you may NOT crop/edit in any way. Please note, all images used on Facebook require proper credit, with a link or tag to this page in the description

Adam + Kelly {Wedding}

  When Kelly emailed me and asked me to shoot her wedding I was so excited!! It was like a dream come true! I was thrilled to be apart of her special day and capture every moment!
   Kelly and Adam got married on June 29. We were SO scared that it would rain and we all prayed so hard it wouldn't and thankful it didn't until it was ALL over with and I was driving home!
   Since then me, Kelly, and Adam have became good friends and I got to see them get saved last week at camp! Thanks, Kelly and Adam, SO very much for letting me share this special day with you! It was SO fun and ya'll were great to work with!

Stay Fabulous









Thanks Kelly and Adam!!

Kelly + Adam-Engagemant Session

 Kelly asked me too shoot her engagement photos a couple weeks ago and I was thrilled (putting it mildly)! We met at Inniswoods Metro Gardens..Talk about gorgeous! There just wasn't enough time to take pictures in every nook and cranny of that place...This weeks been rainy so I was SO glad when the sun peeked through the clouds this morning! Thanks, Kelly, for letting me capture this stage of your life!